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Version: 0.8.0

Deployment Guide

The easiest way to deploy YuniKorn is to leverage our helm charts, you can find the guide here. However, if you want to explore the deployment procedure step by step, here are the instructions.

Setup RBAC​

The first step is to create the RBAC role for the scheduler, see yunikorn-rbac.yaml

kubectl create -f scheduler/yunikorn-rbac.yaml

The role is a requirement on the current versions of kubernetes.

Create the ConfigMap​

YuniKorn loads its configuration from a K8s configmap, so it is required to create the configmap before launching the scheduler.

  • download a sample configuration file:
curl -o queues.yaml
  • create ConfigMap in kubernetes:
kubectl create configmap yunikorn-configs --from-file=queues.yaml
  • check if the ConfigMap was created correctly:
kubectl describe configmaps yunikorn-configs

For more information about how to manage scheduler's configuration via configmap, see more from here.

Deploy the scheduler on k8s​

Before you can deploy the scheduler the image for the scheduler and the web interface must be build with the appropriate tags. The procedure on how to build the images is explained in the build document. See scheduler.yaml

kubectl create -f scheduler/scheduler.yaml

The deployment will run 2 containers from your pre-built docker images in 1 pod,

  • yunikorn-scheduler-core (yunikorn scheduler core and shim for K8s)
  • yunikorn-scheduler-web (web UI)

The pod is deployed as a customized scheduler, it will take the responsibility to schedule pods which explicitly specifies schedulerName: yunikorn in pod's spec.

Access to the web UI​

When the scheduler is deployed, the web UI is also deployed in a container. Port forwarding for the web interface on the standard ports can be turned on via:

POD=`kubectl get pod -l app=yunikorn -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}"` && \
kubectl port-forward ${POD} 9889 9080

9889 is the default port for Web UI, 9080 is the default port of scheduler's Restful service where web UI retrieves info from. Once this is done, web UI will be available at: http://localhost:9889.