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Upcoming Meetup​

Join us on 4:30pm - 6:00pm, PST, Nov 18, 2021

Wilfred Spiegelenburg will present a session to introduce the latest status in the YuniKorn community. Don't miss out!! Add this event to your calendar: πŸ“†

Abstract: Apache YuniKorn (Incubating) has released v0.11 earlier this year with a number of new features and improvements like Gang scheduling, REST API enhancements and Kubernetes 1.19 support. In a month, we are planning the major v1.0.0 release with Kubernetes 1.20 & 1.21 support, improved node sorting and numerous small fixes & enhancements! In this meetup, we will deep dive into the implementation of Gang scheduling behind the use of temporary placeholder pods on Kubernetes, significant performance improvement with simplified scheduler core code and a new node sorting algorithm. Please find all the topics for this meetup here.

Past Conference Sessions​

Demo Videos​

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If you are a YuniKorn evangelist, and you have public conference talks, demo recording that related to YuniKorn. Please submit a PR to extend this list!