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Get Involved

Apache YuniKorn (Incubating) community is quite diverse, we have engineers from Alibaba, Apple, Cloudera, Linkedin, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tencent, Uber, etc. (sorted by alphabetical order). The community deeply believes in the importance of this diversity and the value of "The Apache Way". We welcome any form of contributions, code, documentation or suggestions! πŸ˜ƒ Don't wait, join us now!

How to join YuniKorn Community​

Please join us through one of the following channels:

Contribute through github​

Communication Channels​

Community Meetings​

Target Audiences:​

  • Developers who are interested to contribute to YuniKorn project.
  • Users who are using or interested to learn about the project.


πŸ“† Bi-weekly 4:30 PM US Pacific Time on Wednesdays. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.


How to share feedback to YuniKorn Community​

We welcome you to try our latest releases and share your experiences.

Any point, if you are facing any issues:

  • Raise an issue or a feedback in the JIRA as per our guide.
  • Clarify / Seek help in the YuniKorn slack #yunikorn-user channel

Other feedback mechanisms​

  • If you think, we can add more inputs to this document or additional documentation links for developers including setup etc, please raise issue under YuniKorn Documentation. Refer our guide.
  • Any other support please request at YuniKorn slack #general channel