Configure Scheduler
Deployment of YuniKorn using a ConfigMap
Build docker imageβ
Under project root of the yunikorn-k8shim
, run the command to build an image using the map for the configuration:
make image
This command will build an image. The image will be tagged with a default version and image tag.
Note the default build uses a hardcoded user and tag. You must update the IMAGE_TAG
variable in the Makefile
to push to an appropriate repository.
Create the ConfigMapβ
This must be done before deploying the scheduler. It requires a correctly setup kubernetes environment. This kubernetes environment can be either local or remote.
- download configuration file if not available on the node to add to kubernetes:
curl -o queues.yaml
- create ConfigMap in kubernetes:
kubectl create configmap yunikorn-configs --from-file=queues.yaml
- check if the ConfigMap was created correctly:
kubectl describe configmaps yunikorn-configs
Note if name of the ConfigMap is changed the volume in the scheduler yaml file must be updated to reference the new name otherwise the changes to the configuration will not be picked up.
Attach ConfigMap Volume to the Scheduler Podβ
The ConfigMap is attached to the scheduler as a special volume. First step is to specify where to mount it in the pod:
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/yunikorn/
Second step is to link the mount point back to the configuration map created in kubernetes:
- name: config-volume
name: yunikorn-configs
Both steps are part of the scheduler yaml file, an example can be seen at scheduler.yaml for reference.
Deploy the Schedulerβ
The scheduler can be deployed with following command.
kubectl create -f deployments/scheduler/scheduler.yaml
Configuration Hot Refreshβ
YuniKorn supports to load configuration changes automatically from attached configmap. Simply update the content in the configmap, that can be done either via Kubernetes dashboard UI or commandline. Note, changes made to the configmap might have some delay to be picked up by the scheduler.