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Version: 0.8.0

User Guide

Before reading this guide, we assume you either have a Kubernetes cluster, or a local Kubernetes dev environment, e.g Minikube. It is also assumed that kubectl is on your path and properly configured. Follow this guide on how to setup a local Kubernetes cluster using docker-desktop.

All files mentioned in this user guide are part of the yunikorn-k8shim repository. They are located in the deployments sub directory. The command given assume that you are located in that directory.

Quick Start​

The easiest way to get started is to use our Helm Charts to deploy YuniKorn on an existing Kubernetes cluster. Recommended to use Helm 3 or later versions.

helm repo add yunikorn
helm repo update
helm install yunikorn yunikorn/yunikorn --version 0.8.0

it will firstly create a configmap where stores YuniKorn configuration, and then deploy YuniKorn scheduler and web UI containers in a pod as a deployment in the default namespace. If you want to deploy YuniKorn to another namespace, you can do following:

kubectl create namespace yunikorn
helm install yunikorn yunikorn/yunikorn --namespace yunikorn --version 0.8.0

Uninstall yunikorn:

helm uninstall yunikorn --namespace yunikorn

If you don't want to use helm charts, you can find our step-by-step tutorial here.

Run workloads with YuniKorn Scheduler​

Unlike default Kubernetes scheduler, YuniKorn has application notion in order to support batch workloads better. There are a few ways to run batch workloads with YuniKorn scheduler

  • Add labels applicationId and queue in pod's spec.
  • Pods that have the same applicationId will be considered as tasks from 1 application.

Here is an example of the entry to add:

applicationId: "MyOwnApplicationId"
queue: "root.sandbox"

All examples provided in the next section have the labels already set. The queue name must be a known queue name from the configuration. Unknown queue names will cause the pod to be rejected by the YuniKorn scheduler.

Running simple sample applications​

All sample deployments can be found under examples directory. The list of all examples is in the README. Not all examples are given here. Further details can be found in that README.

A single pod based on a standard nginx image:

kubectl create -f examples/nginx/nginx.yaml

A simple sleep job example:

kubectl create -f examples/sleep/sleeppods.yaml

The files for these examples can be found in the README nginx and the README sleep sections.

Running a spark application​

Kubernetes support for Apache Spark is not part of all releases. You must have a current release of Apache Spark with Kubernetes support built in.

The examples/spark directory contains pod template files for the Apache Spark driver and executor, they can be used if you want to run Spark on K8s using this scheduler.

mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.7 -Dhadoop.version=2.7.4 -Phive -Pkubernetes -Phive-thriftserver -DskipTests package
  • Run spark submit
spark-submit --master k8s://http://localhost:8001 --deploy-mode cluster --name spark-pi \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=yunikorn/spark:latest \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driver.podTemplateFile=examples/spark/driver.yaml \
--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.podTemplateFile=examples/spark/executor.yaml \

Spark uses its own version of the application ID tag called spark-app-id. This tags is required for the pods to be recognised as specific spark pods.

  • examples/spark/driver.yaml
  • examples/spark/executor.yaml When you run Spark on Kubernetes with pod templates, spark-app-id is considered the applicationId. A script to run the spark application and the yaml files are in the README spark section.

Running a simple Tensorflow job​

There is an example for Tensorflow job. You must install tf-operator first. You can install tf-operator by applying all yaml from two website down below:

A simple Tensorflow job example:

You need to build the image which used in example yaml.

kubectl create -f examples/tfjob/tf-job-mnist.yaml

The file for this example can be found in the README Tensorflow job section.

Affinity scheduling​

The scheduler supports affinity and ati affinity scheduling on kubernetes using predicates:

kubectl create -f examples/predicates/pod-anti-affinity-example.yaml

This deployment ensures 2 pods cannot be co-located together on same node. If this yaml is deployed on 1 node cluster, expect 1 pod to be started and the other pod should stay in a pending state. More examples on affinity and anti affinity scheduling in the predicates section of the README predicates

Volume examples​

There are three examples with volumes available. The NFS example does not work on docker desktop and requires Minikube. The EBS volume requires a kubernetes cluster running on AWS (EKS). Further instructions for the volume examples in the section of the README Volumes.

CAUTION: All examples will generate an unending stream of data in a file called dates.txt on the mounted volume. This could cause a disk to fill up and execution time should be limited.

Local volume​

  • create the local volume and volume claim
kubectl create -f examples/volume/local-pv.yaml
  • create the pod that uses the volume
kubectl create -f examples/volume/pod-local.yaml

NFS volume​

  • create the NFS server
kubectl create -f nfs-server.yaml
  • get the IP address for the NFS server and update the pod yaml by replacing the existing example IP with the one returned:
kubectl get services | grep nfs-server | awk '{print $3}'
  • create the pod that uses the volume
kubectl create -f pod-nfs.yaml

EBS volume​

The Volume for the first two examples must be created before you can run the examples. The VolumeId must be updated in the yaml files to get this to work. To create a volume you can use the command line or web UI:

aws ec2 create-volume --volume-type gp2 --size 10 --availability-zone us-west-1

The VolumeId is part of the returned information of the create command.

  • create the pod that uses a direct volume reference:
kubectl create -f pod-ebs-direct.yaml
  • create the persistent volume (pv) and a pod that uses a persistent volume claim (pvc) to claim the existing volume:
kubectl create -f ebs-pv.yaml
kubectl create -f pod-ebs-exist.yaml
  • create a storage class to allow dynamic provisioning and create the pod that uses this mechanism:
kubectl create -f storage-class.yaml
kubectl create -f pod-ebs-dynamic.yaml

Dynamic provisioning has a number of pre-requisites for it to work, see Dynamic Volume Provisioning in the kubernetes docs. The dynamically created volume will be automatically destroyed as soon as the pod is stopped.