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Returns general information about the clusters managed by the YuniKorn Scheduler. Information includes number of (total, failed, pending, running, completed) applications and containers.

URL : /ws/v1/clusters

Method : GET

Auth required : NO

Success response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

As an example, here is a response from a 2-node cluster with 3 applications and 4 running containers.

"partition": "[rm-123]default",
"clusterName": "kubernetes",
"totalApplications": "3",
"failedApplications": "1",
"pendingApplications": "",
"runningApplications": "3",
"completedApplications": "",
"totalContainers": "4",
"failedContainers": "",
"pendingContainers": "",
"runningContainers": "4",
"activeNodes": "2",
"totalNodes": "2",
"failedNodes": ""

Error response

Code : 500 Internal Server Error

Content examples

"status_code": 500,
"message": "system error message. for example, json: invalid UTF-8 in string: ..",
"description": "system error message. for example, json: invalid UTF-8 in string: .."

Clusters utilization

Returns statistical data related the cluster resource utilization

URL : /ws/v1/clusters/utilization

Method : GET

Auth required : NO

Success response

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

"partition": "[mycluster]default",
"utilization": [
"type": "memory",
"total": 5076,
"used": 1500,
"usage": "29%"
"type": "vcore",
"total": 4000,
"used": 300,
"usage": "7%"

Error response

Code : 500 Internal Server Error

Content examples

"status_code": 500,
"message": "system error message. for example, json: invalid UTF-8 in string: ..",
"description": "system error message. for example, json: invalid UTF-8 in string: .."